Monday, December 31, 2012

My First Post!

So not only is this my first post, this is my first blog. So be prepared for a rough road ahead! :) Let's start with the main reason I wanted to start this blog ... it's been hard for me trying to get pregnant. It's been a little more than two years in trying, and so far two rounds of Clomid and nothing. 
I knew it might take awhile for me to get pregnant, so when people would ask after my husband and I got married, if we were planning on having a baby soon, I just made jokes and declared, "Not yet!" We were trying but I didn't want the constant, "Are you pregnant yet?" I don't keep much to myself, but I wanted to keep this to myself. 
After a year of nothing, I started to become a little worried, but decided to go with the, "Just relax, don't try" advice I have been giving. Sorry folks, that didn't help me. So while you may have got pregnant when you were relaxed and not trying, not happening for me. That's when I decided it's time to bring a doctor in the mix, and unfortunately when I officially decided to tell people I was trying. 
*Note: When bringing a doctor in the mix, plan on bringing a 100 people in the mix asking as well, asking how it's going. Second note: If someone doesn't tell you they are pregnant, it's not going well.
My doctor recommended Clomid. Clomid stimulates the release of hormones necessary for ovulation to occur. It is mainly used for treating female infertility. Clomid is used to stimulate ovulation (the release of an egg) when a woman's ovaries can produce a follicle but hormonal stimulation is deficient. [Thanks]. 
Now I don't know about others who have taken Clomid, but it was the worst for me. I should probably mention whenever I take medicine I get every possible side effect. So I got nauseated, breast tenderness and occasional spotting. Well thanks a lot Clomid, but those are also pregnancy indicators. That was an interesting period of time. Let's just call it a roller coaster. I was excited because it might help me have a baby, and then I'd get those side effects and I'm like, "Yes! It worked!" But e.p.t and Clearblue brought me back down to reality to tell me not yet. Those highs and lows were brutal. Especially with the raging headaches that came along with the Clomid. 
So two rounds later and nothing. Oh, I can't say nothing. Between starting seeing my doctor and now there have been plenty of pregnancies announced and babies born among my family and friends. Now today I hear Kim K. is pregnant. (My first thought was poor Khloe). I may have to boycott baby showers, it's getting depressing now. Don't get me wrong, I'm SUPER excited for everyone, but sometimes it's sad for me. Which really messes with emotions, it's like Happy! Oh wait, Sad! 
So my next appointment is January 24th. Let's hope for good things! I'd love to hear your stories about your funky uterus' or even about what you did to get pregnant (besides the Boom Boom Room, thanks. Everyone who is trying or tried and got pregnant has a happy husband, haha). I'm talking about medications, diets, exercise, vitamins, weird rituals, you name it!

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